Eco Shamanism

Becoming one with our Earth


Neptune enters Aries Online Workshop

An online day workshop exploring the arrival of Neptune in Aries

Sunday 30th March 2025 - 10am to 4.30pm - Online via zoom

Neptune enters Aries (the Ram), for the first time in 165 years at 12:58pm on Sunday 30th March and is considered, in modern day astrology, the ruler of Pisces. Neptune, the god of the sea, has been in Pisces for the last 14 or so years and, being its ruler, is at home in this watery, oceanic sign. By entering Aries, a fire sign, Neptune is not in its comfort zone - Neptune (water) quenches Aries (fire) yet when we turn the tables and look at the effect Aries may have on Neptune we get a very different feel - Aries 'activation' of Neptune 'spirit'.

In this workshop we will look at the 'generational' aspect of Neptune in terms of when you were born, the 14 or so year period of that generation. On a more personal level we will see which house, or area of life, Neptune occupies in your natal/birth chart and which, if any, other planets it may aspect (link to). How will Neptune affect you over the coming 14 years?

There will be a look at the history of Neptune, its myths and legends humans have developed around this watery God over thousands of years, and what else is going on astrologically at this time - as an example both Mercury and Venus, in their retrograde phases, are conjunct Neptune at this time and there is a partial New Moon eclipse, in Aries, the day before. We will also take note of the time that Neptune will dip back into Pisces from October 2025 to January 2026.

For the above I will need the time, date and place of your birth - if you don't know the time I can dowse it for you - and in preparation you will need to spend a short amount of time in the contemplation of your understanding, beliefs and relationship with 'spirit' and its possible activation or direction. It will also be beneficial for you to ask for a dream around Neptune nearer the time. More details will be sent upon booking.

There will be some guided meditation and the work will allow for some personal sharing and discussion. We will also peform a simple ceremony of dedication.