Eco Shamanism

Becoming one with our Earth


What is Esotericism?

What is esotericism?

Esotericism covers a range of disciplines including gnosticism, yoga, alchemy, magic, spiritualism, theosophy, astrology, meditation, mysticism and occultism. It also suggests that these disciplines are concerned with secret knowledge or knowledge only known by a small number of people. Certainly the word ‘occult’, which comes from the Latin ‘occultus’ means hidden or secret. Yet all these disciplines are essentially concerned with beliefs surrounding the soul and/or spirit, or that portion of life that revolves around synchronous and unexplained phenomena. I would add that one of the aims of my current work is to help make these disciplines more readily available to everyone, to release much of their ’secretness’ so as to benefit humanity as a whole. Perhaps it is the discipline of theosophy that best reveals this as it is considered a system that embraces the essential truth underlying religion, philosophy and science.

In this sense it is probably easiest to explain esotericism as a philosophy. It is ‘my’ belief that we have ’souls' which are evolving over many lifetimes, in the same way that our physical bodies are evolving. However, as our souls evolve, we are on a road to higher spiritual consciousness, a journey towards becoming pure spirit or consciousness . . . some would say ‘enlightenment’.

I am exploring this ‘journey’ and invite you to join me - I am beginning with ‘The Treasury’, a day workshop that explores the notion of reincarnation and how ‘life enhancing’ this is as a belief system. I will be adding more events as and when I am guided to, to further explore this ‘other’ way of thinking, and ultimately, acting.